You've Written a Book...
Now What?
We Can Guide you to Publishing and Beyond !
KJ Waters Consultancy
Marketing, Publishing, Branding and Social Media
Not sure where or how to publish your book? We can coach you on your publishing journey, from buying ISBN numbers, to getting your books published in print and eBook and distributed on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, KOBO, and anywhere you desire.
You keep all the royalties and we act only as a consultant to help you reach your goals.
We will explain the pros and cons of each option and help you set up the systems to publish independently, allowing you to use these same tools to publish your subsequent books.
We will guide you through the process of creating a successful compelling brand for your books, beginning with your author platform that can include your website, blog, and emails.
Still writing your book? You need to start building your brand now!
Social Media
Confused about social media and how to use it? It is a great free tool to connect with readers, build relationships, and get the word out about your book.
What platforms should you use? How do you grow a following? What tools help save time and help you reach your target reader?
Let us guide you along the way and help you create a focused social media plan to maximize your social media.
At KJ Waters Consultancy we can help you navigate the landscape of book publishing, branding, marketing and social media management to help propel your book into the world.
Our approach is unique, where we coach you along the way in a live chat or in person where we can take each step together. We won't move on until you are ready. This live chat is followed up with written step by step instruction of what we covered in the session.
With this method, you are building your skills and setting up systems for the next book you publish so you can follow the same steps on your own for future publications.
Contact us. Let's see how we can help you.